As a fundamental graduate of Nouveau Contour, you gain access to several exclusive alumni benefits designed to support your ongoing professional development:

  • Lifetime Discounts: Enjoy a perpetual 10% discount on all Nouveau Contour orders, including needles and pigments, helping you save on essential supplies.

  • Free shipping for life: Enjoy free shipping on all of your Nouveau contour orders.

  • Refresher Trainings/Coaching: Feel like you need more experience, hands-on or just a complete refresher on topics you already trained on while at Nouveau? Come back to retake any class at a highly discounted price and work closely with an instructor to master the technique.

  • Discounted Alumni Advanced Training Opportunities: Enhance your skills and expand your service offerings through advanced training courses. These programs cover techniques such as hair strokes for eyebrows, designer and shaded eyeliners, shaded and full lips, hybrid techniques, areola micro pigmentation, and scar derma pigmentation.

  • 25% Off all Virtual Training’s: All Fundamental students will receive a discounted price on all virtual training courses.

  • Alumni Forum: Connect with fellow professionals via the alumni forum. This platform provides valuable networking opportunities and resources to help you build your business and refine your skill set.

  • Instructor(s) and Customer Service available: Ongoing support M-F from all Nouveau team to assist with questions and guidance throughout your Micropigmentation Journey.

  • Partnership Opportunities: As you gain experience in the industry, a student should consider becoming a Nouveau Contour Brand Ambassador/Partner to add a profitable income stream to your business. Partners can purchase high-quality devices and equipment at wholesale prices and may also become exclusive Nouveau Contour trainers.

These benefits are designed to support your continuous growth and success in the permanent makeup industry. Nouveau Contour Alumni Perks is specifically for any student who takes a fundamental training with Nouveau Contour.